Thursday, December 17, 2009

YAELGORITHM: Part II -- Non-Linear Approach

Tree of Life (Extracted from for 'Kaballah')

This section calls for more spontaneity. As mentioned in my previous posts, I had an ambiguous concept of permeating my self-portrait with and paralleling them to trees. At first, I was clueless as to how I would go about doing so. Then I began searching. Intuitively, and curiously I immersed myself into the history and meaning behind my name 'Yael'. My parents had told me it meant "deer" the animal and my mother specifically told me she chose this name for me because it meant "Ascension" or "to ascend". Hebrew is an ancient, complex and profound language. There are 22 letters and each letter has not only a meaning in itself, but also has a numerical value and can be calibrated in terms of Gematria within the umbrella of Kaballah. Prior to my search, I only knew bits and pieces but this is something of a compelling nature and something I had always wished to explore. So, on goes my search!

Googling the Webs of Life.

The following research was conducted in a very spontaneous, interpolatory fashion.

What I noticed during my research is that EVERYTHING IS CONNECTED. Truly. I had no idea how to integrate the concept of trees- other than in an abstract way but on with the story.

--> essence of trees... secret, a magic to them

The Tree of Life is mentioned in both the Books of Genesis, in which it grants immortality to Adam and Eve-- this calls to mind the wonderful excerpt we read, Gilgamesh Search and Immortality.

I entered "meaning of Yael" into Google's search query and landed on a letter written to Yael Goldie Radwin from her parents on the day of her birth-- I already knew several meanings my name encompassed: ibex/deer/mountain goat; God's strength; and ascension. They touched upon two of the three meanings, and I was grateful to be reminded of such, but continued on with my search. I scrolled down and started to sift through the comments and encountered a woman by the name of Sarah who wanted to add their interpretation of Yael to her website-- I followed the link-- >

I arrived on the new link and found out that YUD, the 1st letter of my name meant Emanation. The infusion of spirit into matter! That's a mini-algorithm of my name that was previously concealed. I was hungry to learn more...This page led me to another link-- That of a Visionary Kabbalah Artist by the name of Yael Avi-Yonah. How appropriate- I was so eager to learn more of the significance of my name within Kababalah. A whole new set of exciting, mystical algorithms.

I scrolled through and sought meaning; to connect the dots so to speak. I landed upon this:

"A utopian vision of the future city and Third Temple seen from the Mount of Olives,
surrounded by the River of Life. Emerging from its entrance
is the Tree of Life represented by a DNA helix molecule."

oil on canvass

55" x 103" (140 x 260 cm)

daled nun alef (yud) AdoNai
2NAMES of God Ya - El
More meaning- a whole new algorithm.

Yud = beginning of my first name

Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) is a nucleic acid that contains the genetic instructions used in the development and functioning of all known living organisms and some viruses. The main role of DNA molecules is the long-term storage of information.

exploration of my name and trees

"long term storage of information" ==>


The name Yael has three other meanings. First, and most famously, a Yael is a mountain goat, or ibex. This desert animal certainly is no match for your beauty, but is sure-footed and steady on rough desert terrain. Secondly, Yael can also mean to ascend, or go up. The letters of "Yael" are from a similar root of "aliyah," moving towards Torah, Jerusalem, or God. We hope that you find your own aspirations of height, and move towards them with the sure-footedness of your namesake.

There is yet one more possible meaning of Yael, perhaps one of the foremost considerations when picking your name. While Yael in Hebrew is spelled yod-ayin-lamed, the syllables suggest a different spelling of: "Yah"- "el"-- two names for God. The name said out loud is in itself an affirmation of God. It also shares something in common with both of your parents-- the names Michael and Ariella both use "el" to refer to God. We hope that you will find meaning, as we do, in a name that carries within it the name of God.

abstract painting- yael

YUD = embodies the #10 VIRGO means fist

It is the smallest letter in the alphabet and yet is frequently associated with the very large concept of EMANATION, the highest level in the Four World paradigm of Kabbalah

AYIN is the 16th letter - nUMERICAL VALUE OF 70

Each letter has an astrological valence as well :

now i want to know how to say the word "Tree" in hEBREW::

LAMED -oxgoad LIBRA 30 means BOTH to Learn and to Teach

AYIN means EYE Capricorn




The first letter of the word tree is the second letter in my name.
It's as if that "ayin" (second letter) is the TREE TRUNK.
I gained a vast appreciation of my name. Learning that it is composed of
the shortest letter in the alphabet, the equivalent of the tree trunk which also means "eye" andthe largest letter of the alphabet. Not only does my name mean ascenscion, it literally ascends as you write it from right to left!

Connecting all the dots. Noticing patterns. Making meaning. Analyzing algorithms.
It's all the same rhythm of life, composed of infinite songs and flavors.
How profound. In pursuing my virtual self-portrait I became enlightened to the fact that algorithmically, we are all one and the same.

We are all limbs from the same tree. We each have our own tree contained within each limb. And so without.

YAELGORITHM: Part I -- Linear Approach

Who Am Eye?

How does one even begin to entertain an answer. If you ask Google and enter my name as a search query, a series of things will emerge. LinkedIn has a strong relationship with Google and her mystical, everchanging algorithms and was the first site to crawl upon the screen.

The first time I read about this project, weeks ago I began "stalking" myself on Google to see who and what would appear. I uncovered things I had joined 7 years ago, and it was bizarre yet interesting to see who I projected myself to be at the time. I went along, searching in a linear fashion, and copied the URLs that pertained to me. The 2nd link that is relevant is a blog I composed for my Viral Marketing class last Spring, "Another Brick in the Wall". Please view images above.

I continued stumbling and as we sometimes do in life, had to move backwards in order to go forward. Next, Google unearthed at my command, a wiki I created for my Business class:

The next link I had utterly forgotten about. Junior year, my roommate HeeYoung asked me to write a music biography for her. She needed one for her class ASAP and being "fresh" to the states from Korea her English was a bit rusty. I had no experience in the field, but I did my best and little did I think it would emerge as one of the top Google ranks when you enter my name as a search query. Here's the link:

I was curious as to what else Google would dig up and present about "Me".

This Linear Search did not satisfy my algorithmic hunger. No no, not in the least.
I sat down and proposed some tentative "self-portraits" with my girlfriend and she suggested I make a tree. Perfect, I thought. It called to mind the nodes within a tree and I thought to myself of the sheer presence and wisdom a tree represented to me. My favorite Sufi poet once said "Let the Beauty you Love Be what you Do. There are a million ways to kiss the ground".
I thought, there is no "Self" capital S and surely Google cannot tell me or anyone else who I am. It can provide me mere fragments and limbs of a greater, vaster thing of which we are ALL connected to. I thought to myself of the parallels of trees and search. And how I have sought comfort and life within and without trees. Climbing trees, hugging trees, inhaling and exhaling with them. How exquisite! I decided to continue with my journey, and view it more from the perspective of a tree within a tree within a tree. Meaning, we each are our own tree. Who I am WHO EYE AM and how I perceive myself the world and how that world perceives me is everchanging! Nothing stagnant. A tree breathes life. Each breath, another heartbeat, another expression of self. The essence might stay the same but on we go.
In honor of that, here is a shot of the infamous and beloved Elephant Tree on Purchase College Campus after the administration thought it was a good idea to go ahead and cut off her limbs. Her precious limbs. Her essence, however remains beautifully in tact. Here she is, in all her glory.

Having been at Purchase College for six years I have had many conversations and precious moments beneath this lovely site and hold it close to my heart. As such, I feel the E.T. is engrained in a part of "who eye am".

I shall continue to guide you more linearly as to what came up on Google, before I get into the heart of what sparked my inspiration. Rather than directing me to my Twitter home page, Google selected a tweet randomly and linked to it specifically. Why? I don't know.

How trivial, how silly. I suppose I am to integrate this "tweet" as an essential part of me-ness.
Fantastic. Moving forward, my Friendster account that I have not used since 2004 came to haunt me and kick me in the toosh. I have full intentions of deleting it after I complete this project because it is totally unnecessary to my existence and as the reading we did on Gilgamesh there is no need to allow to live on immortally and does not speak of me or who I am.
But then again, how much do these social networks speak to who we are, or rather how we project ourselves and wish to be perceived. Let's get the show on the road, here's "Me" my freshman year of college. Yikes.

Moving on to page 3 of Google findings of "Me". A link to Purchase grads from last May comes up and my name is right there, along hundreds of other Purchasers. Following that, is a link to my imeem account. Blah blah blah. So how much does Google really know? I was just reading an article in Forbes magazine about how Google apps will soon be merging with desktops and than they will have ALL our juice, all the nitty gritty details and larger limbs of what make us up. A search results for my name then emerged on facebook, as viewed below.

I am the second one, in blue hue :)

Than a link to a site that claimed to know me offered the public all my details and credit reports and criminal history so on and so forth for a price. Creepy. That's the age we live in.
That sums up part I.